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the priesthood

The Most Sacred Order of the 
Melchizedek Priesthood

The Priesthood is the unit of the movement that aims to identify, qualify and ordain men and women into the Melchizedek Priesthood.  Our mission is to simply fulfill the commission of Jesus Christ to all Melchizedek Priests. This assignment is to declare that all power in heaven and earth belongs to Jesus, to teach people how to live in the Kingdom of Jesus and to baptize  believers into the Kingdom of Jesus.

We passionately believe that Jesus Christ is the current and last Melchizedek.  A positional title which means "Ruler of Peace", and worn throughout generations by all the Kings of Salem (present day Jerusalem)  who were also the High Priests of God.

As the Melchizedek, He has abolished the Levitical Priesthood which was limited, weak and unprofitable in its ability to serve God and man and has re-established the true Priesthood that officially began with Seth.  A priesthood built on better promises and a better covenant.  The Melchizedek Priesthood.

Inasmuch that all Melchizedek Priests operate in their divine calling, giftings and assignment, we are all bound by the same directive given by Jesus Christ, our Melchizedek.  That directive is to declare, teach/preach and baptize.

Each Melchizedek Priest is trained and qualified to operate in one or more of all Official Melchizedek Disciplines.  To find out more about those disciplines, click here.



We live in a world where so many entities, deities, and charlatans claim to have power.  Even in the "church" there seems to be an infestation and infatuation with demonic powers and/or those who claim to have power.  However, the Priesthood believes strongly that all power belongs to Jesus.  The scripture declares that He rose from the dead with all power in His hands and that all power belongs to Him in Heaven and Earth.  Therefore, we believe it is impossible that any other entity outside of Jesus could have power, since Jesus is not in a power sharing agreement with no one.  We believe it is our responsibility to boldly declare this truth to the entire world, that the kingdom of God belongs to Jesus Christ, so that the body of Christ can be free of all false fear and live a life of power, victory and triumph through Jesus Christ.



Inasmuch that Melchizedek Priests operate in various callings and ministry appointments, we believe that our foundational assignment is to preach that the Kingdom of Jesus Christ is here and to teach believers how to live in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.  For the Kingdom of Jesus Christ is righteousness, joy and peace in the Holy Ghost.  We believe it is our job to teach the laws of Jesus and principles of the Kingdom.  



The most powerful choice after accepting Christ as our Lord and Savior, is to publicly defend that choice.  The only method given to us by Jesus to publicly show our choice to follow him is through "water baptism."  Water baptism is the symbolic earthly method of showing our repentance and allowing God to fulfill His work in us by the baptism of the Holy Spirit which gives us power.  As Melchizedek Priests, it is our responsibility to assist believers in making this awesome declaration and fulfilling the commandment of Jesus to baptize people everywhere.  When one is baptized, they have been given their "citizenship papers" into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ and nothing else gives us such joy!

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