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disciplines & authority

No matter who or where you are, you are not alone!

The scriptures have given us our assignment and purpose.  Hebrews 5:1 tells us that every high priest is taken from among the people and is appointed to the people to instruct things in the things pertaining to God.  Our Priesthood is unique in this respect.  We do not see ourselves as only a priesthood for the pulpit, but ours is a charge that comes with authority in all aspects of the world in order to make an impact!  We have been authorized by The Melchizedek to minister to people where ever or who ever they are.  

Therefore, our Priesthood has SIX DISCIPLINES AND AUTHORITIES.  These disciplines are the areas that our Priests' are trained and authorized to operate in as their ministry.  They utilize these authorities by being involved in these sectors, offering the mind of God concerning these areas and providing spiritual covering, support and counsel just to name a few to men and women who work directly in these areas.

Each Priest has been and is forever continually trained in the discipline of their choice so that they can offer the best service in that discipline.  So, no matter who you are or where you are, you are not alone.  There is a Melchizedek Priest ready to walk this journey with you!

(The disciplines are not listed in any order of superiority)


Sermon in Church


Inasmuch that we know everything we do is a spiritual work, this discipline focuses on Priests' who work directly in the church environment.  These Priests' are passionate about the making sure that the body of Christ assemblies and are growing properly in the things of God individually and as a whole.  They may find themselves operating in any function of church leadership and ministry.



We know that the government of men desperately needs Jesus and the mind of Jesus.  God has not directed us to stay out of government work, however, throughout the scriptures, we have always seen a Priest assigned to government to instruct the leaders of government in the things of God.  This discipline authorizes our Melchizedek Priests' who are trained in political science to be involved in government through building solid relationships with governmental leaders to offer spiritual support and counsel as a representative of Jesus Christ.

American Judge


This discipline authorizes our Priests' to operate in the area of law.  It doesn't matter which area of law a person works in, there is a Priest to stand with them.  To give them support, counsel, and personal care in the things of God.  Operating in the law can be rewarding and frustrating at the same time.  These workers often times find themselves making very difficult decisions and need the voice of God to help them navigate through some tough issues.  Our Priests' who operate in this discipline are fully trained in all things pertaining to the law and they understand who and what you're facing and they are ready to serve you 



This discipline covers a broad yet necessary spectrum.  Social life involves everything involving social awareness and justice. Our Priests who operate in this discipline trained in sociology are authorized to offer the mind of God concerning issues that pertain but are not limited to marriage, activism, psychology, ecology, and all things that deals with building relationships, etc.  People who find themselves working in this sector need not to worry because there is support in the priesthood.



Education is one of the most needed power in our world.  Education is freedom!  Our Priests' who operate in this field are trained educational specialists who can offer support, covering, prayer and all other Melchizedek services to educational institutions, their staff and all careers in the educational services field. These Priests' have a passion for seeing education succeed in the land and making sure that all people who receive and give in this sector are blessed from Jesus Christ!

Stock Market Quotes


The marketplace is very important to Jesus!  He desires you to succeed in business so that services, products and finances continually flow throughout the earth.  This is a very demanding sector and often times professionals in this area find themselves alone, left without spiritual covering and understanding.  The marketplace priests are ready to serve you by walking with you on your personal journey as a business professional.  They cover not just you as a worker/professional, but also your business and enterprise with all the services of a Melchizedek Priest.

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